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Dataforce is a major, trusted provider of insurance services to reputable clients worldwide. We offer all types of corporate insurance.

An insurance contract is a contract of ultimate good faith. The prospective insured client must accurately disclose in details to the insurer everything that he/she knows and that is or would be important to the insurer. Information should be provided that would influence a insurer to decide whether to write a risk and if so upon what terms. If every details are not communicate to the insurer about the risk, or if a substantial misrepresentation is done, the insurer may avoid the policy and the insurer may treat the policy as void and null from initial inception, returning the paid premium.

A high degree of honesty and trust is imposed on an insurance contract than is imposed on other types of contracts. Honesty policy is primarily imposed on the insurance applicants and is supported by legal doctrines such as representation, warranty and concealment. The insurance contract should be signed by both insurer and insured in an absolute good faith or trust. Both parties in the insurance contract should disclose all important facts for the benefit of each other.

The principle of indemnity is applicable to almost all kinds of insurance policies except life insurance. Indemnity stands for security and compensation given against any damage or loss. As insurer we seek to help the insured in restoring the better financial position before loss had occurred. If there is loss of property, the loss can be compensated. The compensation payable and the loss incurred is measurable in terms of money. The insured can be compensated only up to the amount of loss incurred by him. The maximum amount of compensation can be up to the policy value which is fixed at the time period of the contract.

Directors and officers liability insurance protects an organization from costs due to litigation resulting from wrong decisions and errors made by officers or directors for which they are responsible. Professional liability insurance protects insured professionals against potential negligence claims made by their clients.

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